Why 99% of People Don't Reach Their Fitness Goals

What do they do wrong?

They don’t bulk. 'Bulking' is when you eat more calories than you need in order to increase your body weight (muscle and fat). You need to bulk if you want to rapidly gain muscle. It will likely take you 2-4 years to get the same muscle gain as someone who bulked for 1 year.

How much should I bulk?

Use BMI to know when to bulk or cut. A 'cut' is when you eat fewer calories than you need in order to decrease body weight.

How to properly bulk and cut:

  1. Figure out your BMI by using this BMI calculator.
  2. Bulk until you have a 29.9 BMI (the end of the "overweight" category).
  3. Cut down until you are a 24.9 BMI (the end of the "normal" category).

In general, you should be bulking for the first 9 months of the year and cutting the last 3 months of the year. You need to plan out your weight gain/loss to adhere to this schedule.