Lessons at 25

I turned 25 in February 2022. The following are some of the essential lessons I've learned.

The worst things a person can be:

  1. Untruthful
  2. Overly emotional
  3. Have a victim mentality

You need 3 things to succeed:

  1. A plan
  2. To end internal limiting beliefs
  3. To end external limiting beliefs: economy, politics, race, gender

Your plan must revolve around the 4 fours.

  • Markets: health, knowledge, wealth, relationships
  • Top skills: marketing, coding, engineering, finance
  • Core skills: reading, writing, speaking, computers
  • Mindset: spiritual, motivational, biographies, psychology/philosophy

Read broadly. Learn online. Master your favorite subject/skill.

Good people help others with no concern for themselves. Smart people help others while helping themselves. Evil people hurt others to help themselves. Dumb people hurt themselves and others.

  1. Dumb people are worse than evil people.
  2. Why be good when you can be smart?
  3. Being smart is the only path to happiness.

There’s a risk to everything in life. But the biggest risk is not taking risks.

  • Not starting a business
  • Not investing
  • Not applying to your dream job
  • Not making new friends
  • Not asking out the person you like

You need to develop good habits and remove bad habits. Your habits should lead to your goals.

Get 1% better every day. It is inevitable for any human to improve in the subjects/skills they focus on. Read books, listen to podcasts, practice a skill.

Every attractive person has a hook, story, and offer.

  • Hook: The hook is your physical appearance. Face, body, clothing style, and posture.
  • Story: Stories make people care about you. There’s an anime called Akame ga Kill! Nearly every character in the show gets killed. Right before a character dies, there is a flashback that tell us their backstory. The story makes us care about the character. It makes their death emotional. Without the story, we wouldn’t care much. We need to do the same in real life. To get people to care about us, we need to be great at telling our own backstory. If people care about us, they’ll be our friends, date us, and buy our products. Stories are the key to relationships and wealth.
  • Offer: Offers are what benefits you can give to people. Like money, status, information, etc.

Copy winners. Any time you start something new, find the best people and emulate them. Once you can perfectly emulate, be creative and make something new.

Travel abroad.

Know yourself. Write an autobiography.

Become a producer, not a consumer. Make YouTube videos, for instance, instead of watching them.

Stop spending money on things that don’t help you improve. Only spend money on education, skills, getting rid of false beliefs, investments, and experiences.

Focus on things within your control. Politics, the economy, and other people are not in your control.

Only have opinions on things that you have studied and written extensively about.

  • A good test is to write everything you know on a subject, then look at the Wikipedia page and see if yours is better.
  • In general, you need to be able to articulate the other sides of the argument better than the proponents of that argument.